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Artimus Robotics leverage prestige NSF Icorps Customer Discovery Program


Updated: Jan 31, 2022

Artimus Robotics is honored to announce its selection in the 2021 NASA SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) I-Corps Bootcamp. This $10,000 grant allows Artimus Robotics to continue the research and development of intelligent soft actuators with self-diagnosis capabilities.

The principal investigator on this project is Timothy Morrissey, and the entrepreneurial lead is Andrew Morton. Morrissey is the co-founder and CEO of Artimus Robotics and founded the company while researching and developing HASEL artificial muscles as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder. Morton is the Director of Business Development at Artimus Robotics.

Led by a world-class team of soft robotics experts, Artimus Robotics is enabling a new generation of robots and machines. We are impacting the future of automation and robotics by resolving the largest challenges facing our customers. HASEL artificial muscles, invented and developed in Boulder, Colorado, are cutting-edge technology at the forefront of robotic innovation.

About Artimus Robotics

Artimus Robotics designs and manufactures soft electric actuators. The technology was inspired by nature (muscles) and spun out of the University of Colorado. HASEL (Hydraulically Amplified Self-healing ELectrostatic) actuator technology operates when electrostatic forces are applied to a flexible polymer pouch and dielectric liquid to drive shape change in a soft structure. These principles can be applied to achieve a contracting motion, expanding motion, or other complex deformations. For more information, please visit Artimus Robotics or contact

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