On August 11, 2020, Artimus Robotics, as a Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Phase 1 awardee, was selected to participate in the National Science Foundation I-Corps™ program. Only a limited number of current NSF SBIR/STTR awardees are invited, but those that are selected to participate in the I-Corps program receive a $25,000 supplement on top of their Phase 1 award of $225,000. Artimus will use this award to further deepen customer understanding and validate product-market fit of their HASEL actuator technology.
The goal of the NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps™) program, created in 2011 by NSF, is to reduce the time and risk associated with translating promising ideas and technologies from the laboratory to the marketplace. I-Corps™ uses experiential learning of customer and industry discovery, coupled with first-hand investigation of industrial processes, to quickly assess the translational potential of inventions. The program is designed to support the commercialization of “deep technologies.”
Artimus Robotics cofounder and CEO Tim Morrissey expressed, “The I-Corps program is extremely valuable to deep technical teams such as ours. The expert training in customer discovery combined with over 100 customer interviews helps us identify real customer problems that our HASEL actuation technology can solve”. Along with NSF, Artimus believes that fundamental breakthroughs in robotic systems require us to capitalize on new concepts and discoveries in science and engineering.
If you have a suggestion of someone who may benefit from using HASEL actuation technology and thus, should be included in the I-Corps customer interview program, please make the suggestion by emailing info@artimusrobotics.com
About Artimus Robotics.
Artimus Robotics is enabling a new generation of robots and machines that increase productivity and improve quality of life. Led by a world-class team of incredibly capable and creative experts in soft robotics, Artimus Robotics makes a profound impact on the future of robotics and automation by solving its biggest motion challenges. Invented and developed in Boulder, Colorado, their cutting-edge technology, HASEL artificial muscles, is at the forefront of robotic innovation.
About the NSF I-Corps™ program
The National Science Foundation’s Innovation Corps (I-Corps™) program uses experiential education to help researchers gain valuable insight into entrepreneurship, starting a business or industry requirements and challenges. I-Corps enables the transformation of invention to impact. The curriculum integrates scientific inquiry and industrial discovery in an inclusive, data-driven culture driven by rigor, relevance, and evidence. Through I-Corps training, researchers can reduce the time to translate a promising idea from the laboratory to the marketplace.
NSF is developing and nurturing a national innovation network to guide scientific research toward the development of solutions to benefit society. https://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/i-corps/index.jsp
Keywords: HASEL Actuators, Soft Robotics, Smart Hardware, Connected Hardware, Compliant Actuators, Life-like Robotics.