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Electric alternative to conveyor air bladder actuators


HASEL actuators provide a quiet and efficient alternative to conveyor air bladders. Actuators from Artimus Robotics increase sustainability in distribution centers due to their efficiency improvements over traditional conveyor air bladder actuators powered by compressed air systems. Artimus Robotics also offers smart actuators, allowing for faster servicing and minimal downtime of the conveyor. These electric actuators can significantly reduce the operating costs of conveyor systems with efficiency improvements, increased operating speeds, and can even add intelligence and complex motion capabilities to the conveyor. Since the actuator technology is modular and easily customizable, HASEL actuators can be an electric drop-in replacement for accumulation conveyors, conveyor brakes, and multiple other conveyor applications.

The following video shows an example of an electric alternative to a conveyor air bladder in an accumulation conveyor.

About Artimus Robotics

Artimus Robotics designs and manufactures soft electric actuators. The technology was inspired by nature (muscles) and spun out of the University of Colorado. HASEL (Hydraulically Amplified Self-healing ELectrostatic) actuator technology operates when electrostatic forces are applied to a flexible polymer pouch and dielectric liquid to drive shape change in a soft structure. These principles can be applied to achieve a contracting motion, expanding motion, or other complex deformations. For more information, please visit Artimus Robotics or contact

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